by Cecil Benjamin | Jul 27, 2021 | Churches, End of Year, Financial Management
One of the great stories in the annals of the Jewish people is the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple after their return from exile captivity in Babylon. Whist there was high drama throughout the years of the rebuilding there was an underlying theme – blessing...
by Cecil Benjamin | Jul 13, 2021 | Churches, Financial Management, Risk, Security, Systems
At Benkorp we’re interested in the success of your general IT and not just the accounts and bookkeeping Cyber security is for almost everyone these days – that is, everyone who uses or owns a device that uses the internet. Because bookkeeping and accounting are...
by Cecil Benjamin | Jul 7, 2021 | Churches, Financial Management, Payroll, Systems, Xero
As we move to a fresh new financial year it’s time to prepare End of year Payroll. This often highlights issues when you have changed to Xero from another accounting software. Your move to Xero has no doubt made managing the finances easier to manage, however what...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Jun 7, 2021 | Churches, End of Year, Financial Management, Not For Profit, Payroll
Payroll Year end & STP Finalisations + Register for Live webinar on how to Process EOFY payroll in Xero June 30 is almost here and the STP Finalisations must be finalised and submitted to the ATO by 14th July. Here are some tips to help you get ready and to...
by Cecil Benjamin | May 31, 2021 | Churches, Financial Management, Not For Profit
Is there a dichotomy? Are they juxtaposed? Faith and the Gospel open with a Biblical, middle eastern, worldview – very different from the way westernised people generally approach life, and especially finance. For Christians faith is “a strong belief based on...