by Jeanette Korporaal | Nov 12, 2019 | Financial Management, Paperless, Risk, Save Time, Security, Systems, Xero
At Benkorp we believe our calling is to Raise the Standard of Financial Management of Churches and Christian organisations for God’s glory. The way our churches manage their finances is an extremely important witness for God’s Glory. We believe that Christians are...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Oct 30, 2019 | Financial Management, Save Time, Xero
Sometimes we receive a tax invoice and the GST is not equal to 11th or 10% of the Invoice before the GST is added. In Australia GST is either 10% or 0%. So, why does it sometimes appear to be different? In this example receipt from (say) Woolworths, the total...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Aug 6, 2019 | BAS, Churches, Financial Management, Gold Status, Save Time, Xero
Did you know you can lodge your organisation BAS directly to ATO from your Xero organisation account? It is so easy!! No ATO Portal access. No paper. No Auskeys! So Good!! There are a few steps to set up and then you can lodge your BAS with the ATO from within Xero!...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Jul 2, 2019 | Churches, Financial Management, Uncategorized, Xero
Support and training are now together in Xero. The training options are now much easier to find. When you search support on a particular topic, you can also easily search for some more training on that overall topic – from the same page. For example, if you want to...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Jul 2, 2019 | Churches, Financial Management
It might sound strange but the preparation for Audit or Assurance Review must be centred around the Balance Sheet. The procedure here Is to have a systematic review of the Balance Sheet.Therefore, to prepare for your audit or assurance review, the main tasks are to:...