by Jeanette Korporaal | Nov 5, 2019 | Financial Management, Systems, Xero
Xero is updating their terms of use effective from 1st Dec 19 They are joining a trend of corporate organisations to simply their terms of use and remove as much legal jargon as possible. You may have forgotten, but when you accept an invitation to access Xero, you...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Oct 16, 2019 | Churches, Financial Management, Paperless, Systems, Xero
So, what do I mean, when I say Donations Received for others? When I refer to Donations Received for Others, in the church context, I am referring to the money given to, or collected by, churches. This money is given with the expectation that the church will pass on...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Oct 1, 2019 | Churches, Financial Management, Xero
When there is a change over of treasurer in the church or part of a committee board, do you know who you need to inform? Do you know how to officially notify the right people? Churches are notoriously lax in updating their compliance details: government agencies...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Sep 18, 2019 | Churches, Financial Management, Risk, Systems
Thank you for joining us for yet another instalment on the Risk Series! This is part 5, if you have missed the previous posts you can find links at the bottom of this post. If you read this post and feel there there is more that you can be doing to reduce risk in your...
by Cecil Benjamin | Aug 20, 2019 | Churches, Risk, Security
Welcome to Part 3 in series on Risk. In this entry we are going to focus on not being ready for the future. Don’t forget to read Part 1- The Risk Series Introduction & Part 2- Red Flags of Risk in the church. Being too conservative or too aggressive in our...