by Cecil Benjamin | Aug 6, 2020 | Auditing, Churches, Financial Management, Systems
This is the time for review, because we are all looking at the financial reports for July. For some churches this is one month into the new financial year, for some churches this is just past half way through the calendar year. For every church this is an ideal time...
by Cecil Benjamin | Jul 15, 2020 | Churches, Covid 19, Financial Management, JobKeeper, Not For Profit, Risk, Systems
We’re all approaching a cliff near the end of September, the “cash cliff” Will you ‘fly or fall’? Here are some reflections on what this can mean for our churches and organisations and ourselves, including some practical points about what can be done now. As you know...
by Cecil Benjamin | May 29, 2020 | Churches, Financial Management, Not For Profit, Systems
Last December 2019 we posted an article about “paying people legally”. Since then so much has happened to make our lives somewhat chaotic. However some things don’t change. Despite the current season of COVID and all its challenges for our administrations we are still...
by Jeanette Korporaal | May 28, 2020 | Churches, Financial Management, Systems, Xero
People sometimes call us, saying: “My Xero account is acting a bit weird, what does it mean?” We ask, “what do you mean, what happens?” “I can’t run transactions properly and I can’t run reports” Scenario This is definitely an issue although generally it is not...
by Laurene | Mar 24, 2020 | Churches, Financial Management, Paperless, Save Time, Security, Systems
We are being encouraged to “self isolate” or quarantine ourselves So, during this time it is very important, even essential, to stay connected with other people. This is especially important to be connected with the teams and groups that are ordinarily part of our...
by Jeanette Korporaal | Mar 17, 2020 | Auditing, Churches, Financial Management, Systems
Church accounting for assets and depreciation These notes relate to non-property assets – such as ministry activities’ equipment, furniture, vehicles, office equipment, – ie not land and buildings and not fixtures and fittings that add value to the...