
News & Updates

Becoming involved during tough times

Becoming involved during tough times

During this strange season of COVID many churches and ministries are struggling with matters of governance and financial management while the members are either oblivious to their situation or feel inept to do anything or be involved. On the other side, it is in times...

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The honorarium – is it still ok?

The honorarium – is it still ok?

Last December 2019 we posted an article about “paying people legally”. Since then so much has happened to make our lives somewhat chaotic. However some things don’t change. Despite the current season of COVID and all its challenges for our administrations we are still...

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My Xero seems to be acting weird!

My Xero seems to be acting weird!

People sometimes call us, saying: "My Xero account is acting a bit weird, what does it mean?” We ask, “what do you mean, what happens?” “I can’t run transactions properly and I can’t run reports” Scenario This is definitely an issue although generally it is not a...

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26 Business Days to End of Financial Year !

26 Business Days to End of Financial Year !

The end of financial year is almost here – only 26 business days away Get ready for your organisation’s payroll year end. There are several steps to do before you can finalise the payroll for your organisation. It is essential to do it properly. Xero will be providing...

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